Tag: Innovate

Unemployment - a symptom or a cause?

Unemployment a symptom or a cause? (Part 1 of 3)

Have You Read ? ( Introduction To This Series Of Posts ) The First Of Three Problems: Our journey begins in my rural home county of Tipperary in Ireland.  Our travels will take us to our 3rd of three problems and the home of lean thinking in Japan.  Japan isRead More

Inventing or innovating 100 year old products

Inventing or Innovating 100 year old products

I happened to be reading a post by Jason Goldberg, in which he set a question for his followers … “How would YOU innovate a 100 year old product?”. What caught my eye was the large number of posts which appeared to be talking around, but not talking to aRead More

Innovation Keyword Cloud

What Inspires Me To Innovate

These days it takes little to inspire me to exercise #innovative effort. Those people that know me personally maybe surprised to learn that it was only in recent years that I realised the fullest scale of passion I have for the topic of #innovation. But perhaps you the reader, maybeRead More