Tag: Collaboration

Innovate Or Die

Rural Ireland Must … “Innovate Or Die!”

Rural Ireland must … Innovate Or Die!.  This may sound a little over dramatic until you make a connection as I did recently.  I was conducting research for a thought experiment which forms the basis for my masters.  My thesis is framed as a question, “How can lean innovation createRead More

Unemployment - a symptom or a cause?

Unemployment a symptom or a cause? (Part 1 of 3)

Have You Read ? ( Introduction To This Series Of Posts ) The First Of Three Problems: Our journey begins in my rural home county of Tipperary in Ireland.  Our travels will take us to our 3rd of three problems and the home of lean thinking in Japan.  Japan isRead More

"Continuous Manufacturing" ... the future of manufacturing?

“Continuous Manufacturing” … the future of manufacturing?

3D Scanning & Printing may change the future of IP protection and Manufacturing, but is the future of manufacturing already here? – “Continuous Manufacturing” … An example of single piece continuous flow with 100% inspection for right first time production? I am currently reading an excellent book entitled ‘Frugal InnovationRead More

Pyramid Of Wisdom v2

The Pyramid of Wisdom

In Search of Knowledge and Wisdom I would like to suggest, that at the core of our primal intellectual desire, is a need to seek knowledge and wisdom. The pyramid of wisdom is my personal visual representation of the evolution of demand created from need, through knowledge creation to theRead More

You Have Been Warned!

You Have Been Warned!

The Ten Most Important Things You Need To Know About Brendon McLoughlin You Have Been Warned!  If your reading this, I may have some how captured your imagination, interest and peeked your curiosity, either way, the following perhaps maybe the most valuable read and insights into my passion and personality.Read More

Inventing or innovating 100 year old products

Inventing or Innovating 100 year old products

I happened to be reading a post by Jason Goldberg, in which he set a question for his followers … “How would YOU innovate a 100 year old product?”. What caught my eye was the large number of posts which appeared to be talking around, but not talking to aRead More