principles of quality management

Lean Learning – Quality Management Principles

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Quality Management Principles The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   Underlying the success of Six Sigma are simple but vitalRead More

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The need for rewards

Background: I was reading a post about Engaging and Motivating Employees by Warren Tanner at  In his post Warren asked questioned rewards … “Is it really the psychological rewards that employees gain from feeling valued and engaged in meaningful work that encourages them each day, rather than the hopeRead More

NBC If Japan Can Why Cant We

If Japan Can …

While researching for my masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) I was watching on YouTube the NBC Whitepaper entitled ‘If Japan Can Why Cant We?’ when the closing statements of Lloyd Dobyns of NBC caught my attention and triggered a question.  The question began forming when I noted that theRead More

Lean Learning DMAIC

Lean Learning – DMAIC

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on DMAIC The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   DMAIC A well-structured improvement methodology that provides a roadmap from the definitionRead More

Lean Learning Six Sigma

Lean Learning – Six Sigma

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Six Sigma The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   Six Sigma Six Sigma has been reported as one of theRead More

Innovate Or Die

Rural Ireland Must … “Innovate Or Die!”

Rural Ireland must … Innovate Or Die!.  This may sound a little over dramatic until you make a connection as I did recently.  I was conducting research for a thought experiment which forms the basis for my masters.  My thesis is framed as a question, “How can lean innovation createRead More

Social Scaling Lean

How Constraints Create Space for Innovation – A Social Context

Constraints Create Space for Innovation I was reading a post by Ash Maurya the best selling author of the excellent book ‘Running Lean’.  In his new offering ‘Scaling Lean’ he takes the next steps beyond ideation to his vision for scaling up start-ups.   His linkedIn post ‘How Constraints CreateRead More

Big New Idea

Is That Big New Idea New?

Ever ask yourself, “Is my big new idea really new?” – If your always coming up with big new ideas one of the first questions you may ask yourself is, “I wonder if my big idea is a new idea?”. When researching my next new big idea I like toRead More

Unemployment - a symptom or a cause?

Unemployment a symptom or a cause? (Part 1 of 3)

Have You Read ? ( Introduction To This Series Of Posts ) The First Of Three Problems: Our journey begins in my rural home county of Tipperary in Ireland.  Our travels will take us to our 3rd of three problems and the home of lean thinking in Japan.  Japan isRead More

"Pencil & Paper" under value at your risk ...

Pencil and paper – under value at your risk …

I was reading an article by my daughter Eiren McLoughlin1 about “Depths of Design” and it starting me thinking about the importance of keeping things simple with the least path of resistance to the creative flow in design.  I posted a short version of this article as a responsive commentRead More