Category: Manufacturing
I got 5 years for Agile in Manufacturing
I was reading a LinkedIn post by C Keith Horner in which he ponders the application of the Agile framework in Agile Manufacturing. This post is inspired by pretty much the same inspiration and question that has haunted me for at least the last 5 years as I serve myRead More
If Japan Can …
While researching for my masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) I was watching on YouTube the NBC Whitepaper entitled ‘If Japan Can Why Cant We?’ when the closing statements of Lloyd Dobyns of NBC caught my attention and triggered a question. The question began forming when I noted that theRead More
“Continuous Manufacturing” … the future of manufacturing?
3D Scanning & Printing may change the future of IP protection and Manufacturing, but is the future of manufacturing already here? – “Continuous Manufacturing” … An example of single piece continuous flow with 100% inspection for right first time production? I am currently reading an excellent book entitled ‘Frugal InnovationRead More