Category: lean learning

Implementing Statistical Process Control

Lean Learning – Implementing Statistical Process Control

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Implementing Statistical Process Control The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   Applying ‘process thinking’; it’s possible to differentiate between random causesRead More

principles of quality management

Lean Learning – Quality Management Principles

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Quality Management Principles The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   Underlying the success of Six Sigma are simple but vitalRead More

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The need for rewards

Background: I was reading a post about Engaging and Motivating Employees by Warren Tanner at  In his post Warren asked questioned rewards … “Is it really the psychological rewards that employees gain from feeling valued and engaged in meaningful work that encourages them each day, rather than the hopeRead More

Lean Learning DMAIC

Lean Learning – DMAIC

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on DMAIC The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   DMAIC A well-structured improvement methodology that provides a roadmap from the definitionRead More

Lean Learning Six Sigma

Lean Learning – Six Sigma

Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Six Sigma The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation)   Six Sigma Six Sigma has been reported as one of theRead More