Category: Bits Bobs and General Rants


Breaking Brexit

Stop Talking … Start Doing … and lets get ‘Breaking Brexit’! Say we are a small rural business in a sleepy town or village just keeping pace with rural living … chances are Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU) are not top of our day to day business priorities let aloneRead More

Professional Timeline

Professional Timeline

Professional Timeline is a simple single slide visual presentation I created as a summery of my now crowded personal CV.   Introduction I get a lot personally from being a volunteer skills development coach. Helping others to find their direction and push forward empowered by their growing passion to pursueRead More

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The need for rewards

Background: I was reading a post about Engaging and Motivating Employees by Warren Tanner at  In his post Warren asked questioned rewards … “Is it really the psychological rewards that employees gain from feeling valued and engaged in meaningful work that encourages them each day, rather than the hopeRead More

NBC If Japan Can Why Cant We

If Japan Can …

While researching for my masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) I was watching on YouTube the NBC Whitepaper entitled ‘If Japan Can Why Cant We?’ when the closing statements of Lloyd Dobyns of NBC caught my attention and triggered a question.  The question began forming when I noted that theRead More

Innovate Or Die

Rural Ireland Must … “Innovate Or Die!”

Rural Ireland must … Innovate Or Die!.  This may sound a little over dramatic until you make a connection as I did recently.  I was conducting research for a thought experiment which forms the basis for my masters.  My thesis is framed as a question, “How can lean innovation createRead More

Pyramid Of Wisdom v2

The Pyramid of Wisdom

In Search of Knowledge and Wisdom I would like to suggest, that at the core of our primal intellectual desire, is a need to seek knowledge and wisdom. The pyramid of wisdom is my personal visual representation of the evolution of demand created from need, through knowledge creation to theRead More