Tag: business development


Breaking Brexit

Stop Talking … Start Doing … and lets get ‘Breaking Brexit’! Say we are a small rural business in a sleepy town or village just keeping pace with rural living … chances are Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU) are not top of our day to day business priorities let aloneRead More

"Be small, think big, and go places”

Be small, think big and go places

It can take all hands on deck in a small organisation to keep the ship a float and on course when battling the many day to day operations. If the organisation employs a very small number, making time and course corrections needed to discover new ideas or explore new islandsRead More

You Have Been Warned!

You Have Been Warned!

The Ten Most Important Things You Need To Know About Brendon McLoughlin You Have Been Warned!  If your reading this, I may have some how captured your imagination, interest and peeked your curiosity, either way, the following perhaps maybe the most valuable read and insights into my passion and personality.Read More

The Battle Cry Goes Out To Small Business To Innovate

Battle cry goes out to small businesses – it’s time to innovate

There are 230,000 small to medium enterprises (SMEs), employing over 900,000 employees in Ireland, returning over 10 billion euros each year to the Irish exchequer (McHugh, 2010). In 2013, the European Commission stated in Europe, over 92% of all enterprises are micro-SMEs and employ fewer than 10 people. Both theRead More