Tag: Project Management

Breaking Brexit
Stop Talking … Start Doing … and lets get ‘Breaking Brexit’! Say we are a small rural business in a sleepy town or village just keeping pace with rural living … chances are Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU) are not top of our day to day business priorities let aloneRead More

Lean Learning – Six Sigma
Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Six Sigma The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) Six Sigma Six Sigma has been reported as one of theRead More

Lean Innovating A New Manufacturing Service
After 20 plus years skirting around the edges of manufacturing, I had often had the pleasure of working alongside my team-mates but merely as a 3rd party technical lead, trouble shooter, business analyst and software developer. Until this project, I had never truly experienced the pleasure of being full timeRead More

How Can VoC Work For Micro Firms?
Reading a post by Kieron Ellis on the ‘Success with 6R’s’ starting me thinking about the best methods to allow ‘Micro Enterprises’ to hear the ‘Voice of the Customer’ (VoC) Kieron spoke about in his post. Now begins a possible uphill search for the best simple and practical ideas micro-firmsRead More

You Have Been Warned!
The Ten Most Important Things You Need To Know About Brendon McLoughlin You Have Been Warned! If your reading this, I may have some how captured your imagination, interest and peeked your curiosity, either way, the following perhaps maybe the most valuable read and insights into my passion and personality.Read More