Tag: Problem Solving

GDPR or Bust?
Introduction In this post, I’m going to slowly build up a head of steam in preparation for a journey heading in one of many possible directions towards ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) compliance. Before moving slowly forward I review the point at which this journey begins for many Irish smallRead More

Could Albert Einstein have got it wrong?
Could Albert Einstein have got it wrong? … when he said: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. Lean suggests we have ‘Respect for people’ and consider the process capability and capacity, Six Sigma suggests we also consider process variation, deviation and stability. In root-cause analysisRead More

Lean Innovating A New Manufacturing Service
After 20 plus years skirting around the edges of manufacturing, I had often had the pleasure of working alongside my team-mates but merely as a 3rd party technical lead, trouble shooter, business analyst and software developer. Until this project, I had never truly experienced the pleasure of being full timeRead More

The Pyramid of Wisdom
In Search of Knowledge and Wisdom I would like to suggest, that at the core of our primal intellectual desire, is a need to seek knowledge and wisdom. The pyramid of wisdom is my personal visual representation of the evolution of demand created from need, through knowledge creation to theRead More