Category: Business Development

Breaking Brexit
Stop Talking … Start Doing … and lets get ‘Breaking Brexit’! Say we are a small rural business in a sleepy town or village just keeping pace with rural living … chances are Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU) are not top of our day to day business priorities let aloneRead More

Unemployment a symptom or a cause? (Part 1 of 3)
Have You Read ? ( Introduction To This Series Of Posts ) The First Of Three Problems: Our journey begins in my rural home county of Tipperary in Ireland. Our travels will take us to our 3rd of three problems and the home of lean thinking in Japan. Japan isRead More

Pencil and paper – under value at your risk …
I was reading an article by my daughter Eiren McLoughlin1 about “Depths of Design” and it starting me thinking about the importance of keeping things simple with the least path of resistance to the creative flow in design. I posted a short version of this article as a responsive commentRead More

Defining a ‘High-Potential SME’
I am not usually one for reading notices or advertisements but the following Article grabbed my attention because I perceive myself as a Lean/Frugal Collaborative Innovation evangelist with more than a passing interest in its role in small and micro enterprises (social or commercial). The article promotes a workshopRead More

Lean Innovating A New Manufacturing Service
After 20 plus years skirting around the edges of manufacturing, I had often had the pleasure of working alongside my team-mates but merely as a 3rd party technical lead, trouble shooter, business analyst and software developer. Until this project, I had never truly experienced the pleasure of being full timeRead More

97.5% have no website performance analytics!
In one of my recent posts entitle “How can the Voice of the Customer (VoC) work for micro firms?”, I discussed the importance of harnessing the most effective methods of capturing the voice of the customer as suggested by a user survey conducted by Roger Cooper, a renowned innovation expertRead More

How Can VoC Work For Micro Firms?
Reading a post by Kieron Ellis on the ‘Success with 6R’s’ starting me thinking about the best methods to allow ‘Micro Enterprises’ to hear the ‘Voice of the Customer’ (VoC) Kieron spoke about in his post. Now begins a possible uphill search for the best simple and practical ideas micro-firmsRead More

Be small, think big and go places
It can take all hands on deck in a small organisation to keep the ship a float and on course when battling the many day to day operations. If the organisation employs a very small number, making time and course corrections needed to discover new ideas or explore new islandsRead More