Category: Approaches

An Ocean of GDPR Data Streams
In a previous post, I wrote about ‘GDPR or Bust!’, in this post I would like to venture deeper into the Ocean of GDPR Data Streams that I perceive which may need to be crossed on route to GDPR Compliance. Example GDPR Project Activities Understanding the scope of theRead More

GDPR or Bust?
Introduction In this post, I’m going to slowly build up a head of steam in preparation for a journey heading in one of many possible directions towards ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) compliance. Before moving slowly forward I review the point at which this journey begins for many Irish smallRead More

Breaking Brexit
Stop Talking … Start Doing … and lets get ‘Breaking Brexit’! Say we are a small rural business in a sleepy town or village just keeping pace with rural living … chances are Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU) are not top of our day to day business priorities let aloneRead More