Month: September 2016

If Japan Can …
While researching for my masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) I was watching on YouTube the NBC Whitepaper entitled ‘If Japan Can Why Cant We?’ when the closing statements of Lloyd Dobyns of NBC caught my attention and triggered a question. The question began forming when I noted that theRead More

Lean Learning – DMAIC
Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on DMAIC The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) DMAIC A well-structured improvement methodology that provides a roadmap from the definitionRead More

Lean Learning – Six Sigma
Welcome to the Lean Learning Series on Six Sigma The Lean Learning Series is a series of sampled notes from my course content on a learning journey to a University of Limerick Masters in Quality Management (Lean Innovation) Six Sigma Six Sigma has been reported as one of theRead More