Month: July 2016

Rural Ireland Must … “Innovate Or Die!”
Rural Ireland must … Innovate Or Die!. This may sound a little over dramatic until you make a connection as I did recently. I was conducting research for a thought experiment which forms the basis for my masters. My thesis is framed as a question, “How can lean innovation createRead More

How Constraints Create Space for Innovation – A Social Context
Constraints Create Space for Innovation I was reading a post by Ash Maurya the best selling author of the excellent book ‘Running Lean’. In his new offering ‘Scaling Lean’ he takes the next steps beyond ideation to his vision for scaling up start-ups. His linkedIn post ‘How Constraints CreateRead More

Is That Big New Idea New?
Ever ask yourself, “Is my big new idea really new?” – If your always coming up with big new ideas one of the first questions you may ask yourself is, “I wonder if my big idea is a new idea?”. When researching my next new big idea I like toRead More